Active SETI

A representation of the 1679-bit Arecibo message

Active SETI (Active Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is the attempt to send messages to intelligent extraterrestrial life. Active SETI messages are predominantly sent in the form of radio signals. Physical messages like that of the Pioneer plaque may also be considered an active SETI message. Active SETI is also known as METI (Messaging to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence). [1][2]

  1. ^ "From CETI to METI", Extraterrestrial Languages, The MIT Press, 2019, doi:10.7551/mitpress/11229.003.0003, ISBN 9780262355261, retrieved 2023-01-29
  2. ^ Shostak, Seth (28 March 2015). "Should We Keep a Low Profile in Space?". The New York Times. Archived from the original on 28 March 2015. Retrieved 29 March 2015.