
Aerotaxis [1] is the movement caused by oxygen gradients. Positive aerotaxis involves the movement toward higher concentration of environmental oxygen, while negative aerotaxis involves the movement towards a lower concentration of environmental oxygen.[2] Aerotactic bacteria gather around sources of air forming aerotactic bands.[1]

  1. ^ a b Stricker, Laura; Guido, Isabella; Breithaupt, Thomas; Mazza, Marco G.; Vollmer, Jürgen (2020-10-28). "Hybrid sideways/longitudinal swimming in the monoflagellate Shewanella oneidensis: from aerotactic band to biofilm". Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 17 (171): 20200559. doi:10.1098/rsif.2020.0559. PMC 7653395. PMID 33109020.
  2. ^ Hölscher, Theresa; Bartels, Benjamin; Lin, Yu-Cheng; Gallegos-Monterrosa, Ramses; Price-Whelan, Alexa; Kolter, Roberto; Dietrich, Lars E. P.; Kovács, Ákos T. (2015-11-20). "Motility, chemotaxis and aerotaxis contribute to competitiveness during bacterial pellicle biofilm development". Journal of Molecular Biology. 427 (23): 3695–3708. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2015.06.014. ISSN 0022-2836. PMC 4804472. PMID 26122431.