Aes grave

Aes grave ("heavy bronze") is a term in numismatics indicating bronze cast coins used in central Italy during the 3rd century BC, whose value was generally indicated by signs: I for the as, S for semis and pellets for unciae. Standard weights for the as were 272, 327, or 341 grams, depending upon the issuing authority.[1]

The main Roman cast coins had these marks and images:

Image value mark
Ianus As I
Iupiter Semis S
Minerva Triens four pellets
Hercules Quadrans three pellets
Mercury Sextans two pellets
Bellona or Roma Uncia one pellet
  1. ^ Michael H. Crawford (1974). Roman Republican Coinage. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–. ISBN 978-0-521-07492-6.