Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Conference, 1957

The 1957 African Asian Peoples' Solidarity Conference, also known as the "Cairo Conference", was held from December 26, 1957 to January 1, 1958 in Cairo, Egypt. Participants discussed international cooperation and geopolitics. This conference reaffirmed the ten principles from the Bandung Conference and added four more exclusive principles, mostly about nuclear affairs.

The conference created the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization, which represents itself, as described in its later Constitution from the 1988 Delhi Conference, as a "mass solidarity movement of the peoples of Africa and Asia in the common struggle for the elimination of injustices to the people". This objective helps satisfy the "consolidation of genuine independence and the defense of sovereignty against racist policies to ensure economic security for the right to choose their way of socio-economic development, for the promotion of national culture, for a non-violent world and general disarmament, international security, and lasting peace".[1]

  1. ^ "AAPSO Constitution". Retrieved 2019-07-14.