Al-Qaeda activities in Europe

A flag used by Al-Qaeda.

The international activities of Al-Qaeda includes involvements in Europe, where members of the group have been involved in militant and terrorist activities in several countries. Al-Qaeda has been responsible for or involved in attacks in Western Europe and Russia, including the 2004 Madrid train bombings,[1] 2010 Moscow Metro bombings,[2] 2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing,[3] and the January 2015 Île-de-France attacks.[4]

  1. ^ "Full text: 'Al-Qaeda' Madrid claim". BBC News. 14 March 2004. Retrieved 4 January 2012.
  2. ^ "Chechen rebel claims Metro blasts". BBC News. 31 March 2010. Archived from the original on 2 April 2010. Retrieved 31 March 2010.
  3. ^ Steve Rosenberg (8 February 2011). "Chechen warlord Doku Umarov admits Moscow airport bomb". BBC News.
  4. ^ "Al Qaeda in Yemen Claims Charlie Hebdo Attack". Archived from the original on 14 January 2015. Retrieved 15 January 2015.