Al Kathiri

Al Kathiri
Al Kathiri
Descended fromDhanna ibn Haram an-Nahdi

The Al Kathiri (Arabic: الكثيري) also known as Alkaseri is a royal family that has had strong influence in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. It is one of the largest tribes of Banu Hamdan Hadramawt in eastern Yemen and Oman, with populations in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and East African countries such as Somalia and Kenya and Tanzania as well as Iran mainly concentrated in the most Arabic populated province of the country Khuzestan. However, there are two tribes of Al Kathiri one is Banu Hamdan and one is Banu Lam tribe, which is descendant from Tayy tribe, is located in Najd - northern Saudi Arabia - Kuwait - Iraq, and branched to Al Kathran (الكثران), Al Mughira (المغيرة), Al Fadhuol (الفظول) and Al Dhafeer (الظفير).