Alcohol-related traffic crashes in the United States

2014 Traffic Deaths due to crashes involving drivers at or above 0.08 BAC[1]

Alcohol-related traffic crashes are defined by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as alcohol-related if either a driver or a non-motorist had a measurable or estimated BAC of 0.01 g/dl or above.[2]

This statistic includes any and all vehicular (including bicycle and motorcycle) collisions in which any alcohol has been consumed, or believed to have been consumed, by the driver, a passenger or a pedestrian associated with the incident. Thus, if a person who has consumed alcohol and has stopped for a red light is rear-ended by a completely sober but inattentive driver, the incident is listed as alcohol-related, although alcohol had nothing to do with causing the collision. Furthermore, if a sober motorist hits a drunk pedestrian, the incident is also listed as alcohol-related. Alcohol-related collisions are often mistakenly confused with alcohol-caused collisions. Some[3] have criticized the NHTSA for compiling this statistic since it may give the impression that drunk drivers cause a much higher percentage of collisions and does not accurately reflect the problem of drunk driving in the United States.

Senior Police Officer Gail Denise Thomas was killed by a drunk driver.[4]

Nationally, 12.8% of all drivers involved in fatal collisions during 2013 are known to have been intoxicated according to the blood alcohol concentration (BAC laws) of their state.[citation needed] This number is based on a systematic examination of the official records of each and every incident involving a fatality during that year in the US.[citation needed] However, a majority of fatalities resulting from car crashes involving alcohol are from sober drivers who are hit by drunk drivers.

The higher number (about 40%) commonly reported refers to collisions defined as alcohol-related as estimated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Each year, The Century Council, a national non-profit organization funded by a group of alcohol manufacturers, compiles a document of alcohol-related traffic fatalities. Between 1991 and 2013, the rate of alcohol-related traffic fatalities (ARTF) per 100,000 population has decreased 52% nationally, and 79% among youth under 21.[5]

  1. ^ "Stats". Retrieved 2019-07-30.
  2. ^ "Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes, Comparison Among Countries - Background and Introduction - DOT HS 809 355".
  3. ^ "National Motorists Association - Driver Advocacy". National Motorists Association.
  4. ^ "Senior Police Officer Gail Denise Thomas". The Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP).
  5. ^ "The Century Council's Research". Archived from the original on 2008-07-15. Retrieved 2008-06-24.