Aldosterone-to-renin ratio

Aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR) is the mass concentration of aldosterone divided by the plasma renin activity or by serum renin concentration in blood. The aldosterone/renin ratio is recommended as screening tool for primary hyperaldosteronism.[1]

  1. ^ Tiu, S. -C.; Choi, C. -H.; Shek, C. -C.; Ng, Y. -W.; Chan, F. K. W.; Ng, C. -M.; Kong, A. P. S. (2004). "The Use of Aldosterone-Renin Ratio as a Diagnostic Test for Primary Hyperaldosteronism and Its Test Characteristics under Different Conditions of Blood Sampling". Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 90 (1): 72–78. doi:10.1210/jc.2004-1149. PMID 15483077. [1]