Alexios Kaballarios

Alexios Kaballarios or Kaballares (Greek: Ἀλέξιος Καβαλλάριος/Καβαλλάρης) was a Byzantine aristocrat and military commander, cousin of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos (r. 1259–1282).[1]

He participated in the Byzantine campaigns in the Morea in the early 1260s, and was taken prisoner by William II of Villehardouin after the Battle of Makryplagi (1263/64).[2]

Apparently released at some later date, in c. 1270, he held the offices of domestikos tes trapezes and governor in Thessaly or Thessalonica.[1][3]

Along with his cousin, the despotes John Palaiologos, he led a Byzantine army against John I Doukas of Thessaly, but was defeated and killed in the Battle of Neopatras in c. 1273/74.[1][4]

  1. ^ a b c PLP, 10034. Καβαλλάριος, Ἀλέξιος.
  2. ^ Geanakoplos 1959, pp. 173–174.
  3. ^ Kazhdan 1991, p. 1087.
  4. ^ Geanakoplos 1959, pp. 282–283.