Algiers Accords (2006)

Algiers Accords (2006)
Algiers Accords for the Restoration of Peace, Security, and Development in Kidal Region
SignedJuly 4, 2006
Signatories Kafougouna Koné
Ahmada Ag Bibi
Abdelkrim Ghraieb
May 23, 2006 Democratic Alliance for Change

The Algiers Accords for the Restoration of Peace, Security, and Development in Kidal Region were the peace agreements that laid out a roadmap to development of northern Mali and the end of the Tuareg rebellion of 2006. The accords allowed for a normalization of relations between Kidal Region, Ménaka Cercle, and the Malian government. The agreement was signed on July 4, 2006, and was signed between Malian government representatives and representatives of the May 23, 2006 Democratic Alliance for Change, under Algerian mediation.