Alice Ives Breed

Alice Ives Breed, "A Woman of the Century"

Alice Ives Breed (January 15, 1853 – October 16, 1933) was an American social leader, salonnière, and clubwoman. She excelled as an organizer, using her executive abilities in religious, philanthropic, literary and social channels, aiming to improve the community.

Breed was conversant with the entire history of the club movement. She was a member of or held leadership positions in the Browning Club, Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.), Emergency Association, General Federation of Women's Clubs, Lynn Woman's Club, Massachusetts Society of the Sons and Daughters of Illinois, Massachusetts State Committee of Correspondence of the General Federation of Women's Literary Clubs, North Shore Club, Woman's Auxiliary of the YMCA, Woman's Club House Association, and the Women's Committee of the World's Congress Auxiliary on moral and social reform.