Alien registration in Japan

Alien registration (外国人登録, gaikokujin tōroku) was a system used to record information regarding aliens resident in Japan. It was handled at the municipal level, parallel to (but separately from) the koseki (family register) and juminhyo (resident register) systems used to record information regarding Japanese nationals.

Foreigners staying in Japan for more than 90 days (excluding military personnel under a status of forces agreement and diplomatic personnel) were required to register[1] within 90 days of landing in Japan.[2] The applicant was required to provide a completed application form, passport (for applicants 16 years old or older) and two identification photos. The system was voluntary for shorter-term visitors.

Alien registration was a prerequisite to many activities in Japan, such as purchasing a mobile phone, opening a bank account or obtaining a driver's license.[citation needed]

As described below, the alien registration system was replaced with a foreign residents' registration system on July 9, 2012. The new system of foreign resident registration was passed from the local municipal level to the national level.[3][4][5][6][7]

  1. ^ "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; A Guide to Japanese Visas XIII. Procedures After Entry into JapanAlien registration". Archived from the original on Apr 10, 2008.
  2. ^ "The Alien Registration Law (PROVISIONAL TRANSLATION) Article 3".
  3. ^ "New Immigration law takes effect in July". Japan Times.
  4. ^ New Residency Management System — Immigration Bureau
  5. ^ "出入国在留管理庁ホームページ".
  6. ^ Changes "to the Basic Resident Registration Law — Internal Affairs Dep't".
  7. ^ "Internal Affairs Department booklet on new resident registration system" (PDF).