Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

AGRA, formerly known as the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa is an African-led African-based organization that seeks to catalyse Agriculture Transformation in Africa. AGRA is focused on putting smallholder farmers at the centre of the continent's growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives. As the sector that employs the majority of Africa's people, nearly all of them small-scale farmers, AGRA recognizes that developing smallholder agriculture into a productive, efficient, and sustainable system is essential to ensuring food security, lifting millions out of poverty, and driving equitable growth across the continent.

AGRA is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, from where a team of African scientists, economists and business leaders supports its country operations and African governments. It was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.[1]

The institution also has offices in 11 African countries, under the management of country leads, who oversee the deployment of the organisation's national strategy.[2]

  1. ^ "Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa". The Rockefeller Foundation. Retrieved 2021-06-15.
  2. ^ "Africa seeks the cooperation of Latin America and the Caribbean in the areas of export development, soil recovery and reforestation". IICA.INT. Retrieved 2021-06-15.