
Alpamysh, also spelled as Alpamish or Alpamis (Uzbek: Alpomish, Kazakh: Alpamıs, Turkish: Alpamış, Bashkir: Алпамыша, Russian: Алпамыш, Azerbaijani: Alpamış, Kazan Tatar: Аlpamşa, Altay: Аlıp Мanaş), is an ancient Turkic epic or dastan, an ornate oral history, generally set in verse, and one of the most important examples of the Turkic oral literature of Central Asia, mainly the Kipchak Turks.[1]

  1. ^ Prof. Paksoy H.B. "Alpamysh. Central Asian Identity under Russian Rule". Association for the Advancement of Central Asian Research Monograph Series, Hartford, Connecticut, First AACAR Edition, 1989, ISBN 0-9621379-9-5, ISBN 0-9621379-0-1 (pbk.), p. 1