Alto trombone

Alto trombone
Alto trombone in E
Brass instrument
Hornbostel–Sachs classification423.22
(Sliding aerophone sounded by lip vibration)
DevelopedLate 16th century
Playing range

      \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
      \clef alto \key c \major \cadenzaOn
      a,1 ^ \glissando ees''1
      \tweak font-size #-2 g''1 ^ \finger \markup \text "poss."
Range of the E alto trombone; see Range for more details.
Related instruments

The alto trombone (German: Altposaune, Italian, French: trombone alto) is the alto member of the trombone family of brass instruments, smaller than the tenor trombone. It is almost always pitched in E a fourth higher than the tenor, although examples pitched in F are occasionally found. The alto trombone was commonly used from the 16th to the 18th centuries in church music to strengthen the alto voice, particularly in the Mass.[1] Alto trombone parts are usually notated in alto clef.

  1. ^ Herbert 2006, chapter 2.