Amateur radio international operation

Reciprocal Agreements by Country
  CEPT Member Nations.
  IARP Member Nations.
  Members of CEPT and IARP.
  USA and Canada Treaty, CEPT and IARP.

Amateur radio international reciprocal operating agreements permit amateur radio operators (hams) from one country to operate a station whilst traveling in another without the need to obtain additional licenses or permits.

When no agreement exists between countries, amateur radio operators are often required to apply for a reciprocal operating permit or a full amateur radio license and call sign from the host country. Some countries may accept a foreign amateur radio licenses as proof of qualification in lieu of examination requirements[1] whereas other host countries may provide unilateral reciprocal operating privileges without the need for additional licensing.

  1. ^ "Guest / Reciprocal Licensing". 2011-11-13. Retrieved 2012-10-16.