
According to the Talmud, Amathlai (Mishnaic Hebrew: אֲמַתְלַאיʾĂmaṯlaʾy) was the name of the mother of Abraham. According to this tradition, she was the daughter of a man named Karnebo, and the wife of Terah, the father of Abraham. The name of Abraham's mother is not mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. She does not appear during the story of Abraham's birth (Genesis 11:26), but is mentioned only when Abraham explains to Abimelech, king of Gerar, that Sarah is his sister on his father's side, but not on his mother's side (Genesis 20:12).[1][2]

The Talmud relates that "Amathlai" was also the name of the mother of Haman.

  1. ^ "Who was Patriarch Abraham's Mother?". Retrieved 2023-06-08.
  2. ^ "Heretics, Mystics and Abraham's Mother -". Retrieved 2023-06-08.