Ameba TV

Ameba, Inc.
Type of businessPrivate
Type of site
Streaming video service
Available inEnglish
Area servedCanada & USA

Ameba is a Canadian subscription streaming video service founded in 2007[1] and headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The service features children's cartoons & television series, movies, and music videos.[2]

On March 21, 2019, Ameba became the first CAVCO-accredited (Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office), independent, children's streaming service allowing content producers to meet the "Shown in Canada" requirement for the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC) program.[3]

  1. ^ "Ameba gains 1,200 subscribers after two days on Google TV". Winnipeg Free Press. June 2012.
  2. ^ "Ameba TV - About". Ameba.
  3. ^ "List of acceptable online services pursuant to CAVCO Public Notice". Government of Canada. 16 October 2017.