Anal Pap smear

Anal Pap smear

An anal Pap smear is the anal counterpart of the cervical Pap smear.[1] It is used for the early detection of anal cancer. Some types of human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause anal cancer.[2] Other HPV types cause anogenital warts. Cigarette smokers, men who have sex with men, individuals with a history of immunosuppression (such as in HIV infection) and women with a history of cervical, vaginal and vulval cancer are at increased risk of getting anal cancer.[3] Vaccination against HPV before initial sexual exposure can reduce the risk of anal cancer.

  1. ^ Arain, Shehla; Walts, Ann E.; Thomas, Premi; Bose, Shikha (2005). "The Anal Pap Smear: Cytomorphology of squamous intraepithelial lesions". CytoJournal. 2 (1): 4. doi:10.1186/1742-6413-2-4. ISSN 1742-6413. PMC 551597. PMID 15715910.
  2. ^ "Anal cancer". aidsmap. London: NAM Publications. Archived from the original on 5 June 2011. Retrieved 2011-06-01.
  3. ^ Grulich, Andrew (2012). "The epidemiology of anal cancer". Sexual Health. 9 (6): 504–8. doi:10.1071/SH12070. PMID 22958581. S2CID 12141130.