Anal plug

Anal plug.

An anal plug (anal tampon or anal insert) is a medical device that is often used to treat fecal incontinence, the accidental passing of bowel moments, by physically blocking involuntary loss of fecal material.[1] Fecal material such as feces are solid remains of food that does not get digested in the small intestines; rather, it is broken down by bacteria in the large intestine. Anal plugs vary in design and composition, but they are typically single-use, intra-anal, disposable devices made out of soft materials to contain fecal material and prevent it from leaking out of the rectum. The idea of an anal insert for fecal incontinence was first evaluated in a study of 10 participants with three different designs of anal inserts.[1]

  1. ^ a b Mortensen, N.; Humphreys, M.S. (1991). "The anal continence plug: a disposable device for patients with anorectal incontinence". The Lancet. 338 (8762): 295–297. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(91)90428-r. ISSN 0140-6736. PMID 1677121. S2CID 37641453.