Andrew Joseph Galambos

Andrew Joseph Galambos (AJG) (born Ifj. Galambos József András; June 27, 1924 in Hungary – April 10, 1997 in Orange County, California) was an astrophysicist and philosopher.

He presented his theories of freedom and Volitional Science in oral lectures through his Free Enterprise Institute from 1961 to 1989 in Los Angeles, California. He developed over 117 courses for FEI's curriculum over a period of twenty-eight years. As Galambos' literary executor, William W. Martin completed the all encompassing "Book One" that the professor intended to have published in written form which Martin published under the title Sic Itur Ad Astra (Latin to English translation: "This is the way to the stars"). Within Sic Itur Ad Astra is the "roadmap to freedom" Course V-201: The Nature and Protection of Primary Property. Galambos explicitly instructed his trustee, Galambos' former lawyer Wayne Joyner, to provide funding from his estate to his literary executor, Martin, to edit, print, and publish his books. Instead, Joyner refused to fund the book and instead used the finances to fund unauthorized projects including the inaccurate, mistake ridden and incomplete Sic Itur Ad Astra Vol. 1 which he pulled off of the market in favor of even more inaccurate heavily edited "digitized courses." Martin was left to fund the project on his own and eventually completed the full book for the professor in the year 2003. Today the company that William W. Martin founded, Spaceland Publications, is carrying forward the ideas of Andrew J. Galambos and upholding his explicit instructions to publish and print Galambos' magnum opus Sic Itur Ad Astra and books of Galambos' other important courses. Sic Itur Ad Astra is a fifteen volume, 6,118 page book containing the exact words of Andrew J. Galambos' most important live presentation lectures including courses V-50, V-50X, V-201 and the Joe Pyne Interview complete with a detailed index innovated by Martin which he named the Concordex.