Andronikos Doukas (co-emperor)

Andronikos Doukas
Emperor of the Romans
Gold histamenon of Romanos IV showing Michael VII flanked by his brothers Andronikos and Konstantios.
Byzantine co-emperor
Co-emperorsNikephoros Diogenes
Michael VII Doukas
Konstantios Doukas
Constantine Doukas
Bornc. 1057
Diedc. 1077 or after 1081
FatherConstantine X
MotherEudokia Makrembolitissa

Andronikos Doukas (Greek: Ἀνδρόνικος Δούκας, c. 1057 - c. 1077 or after 1081), Latinized as Andronicus Ducas, was the third son of Byzantine emperor Constantine X Doukas (r. 1059–1067) and younger brother of Byzantine emperor Michael VII Doukas (r. 1071–1078). Unlike his other brothers, he was not named junior co-emperor by his father, and was raised to the dignity only by Romanos IV Diogenes (r. 1068–1071). He is otherwise relatively insignificant, and was not involved in the affairs of state to any degree.