Animals in professional wrestling

Professional wrestler Stu Hart wrestling a Bengal tiger named Sasha "Chi-Chi" in 1969[1]

The usage of animals in professional wrestling has varied through the profession's history. Animals that have been used as opponents to humans in matches include bears, tigers, cheetahs and orangutans.[2][3][4][5]

  1. ^ Mihaly, John (October 2009). "Hart Exhibition, on page 3". via WWE Magazine. Retrieved May 13, 2016.
  2. ^ Eveleth, Rose (November 18, 2013). "There Are People Who Wrestle Bears, And They Say the Bears Could Win If They Wanted To".
  3. ^ Cyriaque Lamar (July 2, 2012). "This is history's greatest photo of a bear beating up a man". Retrieved February 24, 2017.
  4. ^ Kurchak, Sarah (June 29, 2015). "The Twisted and Terrible History of Men Fighting Bears | FIGHTLAND". Retrieved February 24, 2017.
  5. ^ Ryan Dilbert (August 13, 2015). "Exploring the Strange History of Pro Wrestlers Battling Bears". Bleacher Report. Retrieved February 24, 2017.