Anti-Chetnik Battalions

Anti-Chetnik Battalions
Protivčetnički Bataljoni
AllegianceYugoslav Communist Party
Roledestruction of Chetniks
  • Kozara Battalion - 400 Partisans
  • Grmeč Battalion - 800 Partisans
  • Slavonia Battalion - 100 Partisans
Kozara Shock Anti-Chetnik BattalionBranko Stupar
Anti-Chetnik Battalion in SlavoniaMilan Joka

The Anti-Chetnik Battalions (Serbo-Croatian: Protivčetnički Bataljoni) were established by the supreme headquarter of the communist Yugoslav Partisans in the Independent State of Croatia (territorially largely corresponding to modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia) at the beginning of the World War II to fight against Chetniks. Two Anti-Chetnik battalions were established in Bosnia in 1942 and one in Slavonia in 1943.

Two anti-Chetnik battalions in Bosnia were:

  • The Kozara Shock Anti-Chetnik Battalion
  • The Grmeč Shock Anti-Chetnik Battalion

The Kozara Shock Anti-Chetnik Battalion was established on 1 April 1942 of the best soldiers of the Second Krajina Brigade.

To counter Chetnik military activities in Posavina after Chetnik Mayor Janjić moved with some of his forces from Bosnia to Slavonia at the beginning of 1943, the Partisans established Anti-Chetnik Battalion in Slavonia in August 1943. This battalion was composed exclusively of soldiers of Serb ethnicity. The zone of operations of this Anti-Chetnik battalion was in the territory of Okučani and Stara Gradiška, between river Sava and railway tracks connecting Jasenovac and Novska.