Anti-Vietnamese sentiment

Anti-Vietnamese sentiment (Vietnamese: Chủ nghĩa bài Việt Nam) involves hostility or hatred that is directed towards Vietnamese people, or the state of Vietnam. This may be due to negative perceptions created by historical wars or xenophobic sentiments that emerged from the event of refugee Vietnamese (Indochinese 'boat people'). National or regional discrimination can also occur.

Those who tend to express anti-Southeast Asian beliefs or look down on Southeast Asia, a sentiment more widespread across East Asia/Northeast Asia within the Asian-Pacific region, also target the Vietnamese.

Additionally xenophobia towards the Vietnamese may extend from cultural, political or economic divisions, such as Vietnam being situated within the affected Global South (mostly developing countries) or anti-communists being hostile against Vietnamese communist rule.

Vietnam is mostly Kinh majority, but is a multi-ethnic country of East Asian and Southeast Asian ethnic groups. However, some ethnic groups may hold historical grudges or perceived abuses as well.