Antidepressants and suicide risk

The relationship between antidepressant use and suicide risk is a subject of medical research and has faced varying levels of debate. This problem was thought to be serious enough to warrant intervention by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to label greater likelihood of suicide as a risk of using antidepressants.[1] Some studies have shown that the use of certain antidepressants correlate with an increased risk of suicide in some patients relative to other antidepressants.[2] However, these conclusions have faced considerable scrutiny and disagreement: A multinational European study indicated that antidepressants decrease risk of suicide at the population level,[3] and other reviews of antidepressant use claim that there is not enough data to indicate antidepressant use increases risk of suicide.[4][5][6]

  1. ^ Research, Center for Drug Evaluation and (2018-11-03). "Suicidality in Children and Adolescents Being Treated With Antidepressant Medications". FDA.
  2. ^ C, Coupland; T, Hill; R, Morriss; A, Arthur; M, Moore; J, Hippisley-Cox (2015-02-18). "Antidepressant Use and Risk of Suicide and Attempted Suicide or Self Harm in People Aged 20 to 64: Cohort Study Using a Primary Care Database". BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.). 350: h517. doi:10.1136/bmj.h517. PMC 4353276. PMID 25693810.
  3. ^ Gusmão, Ricardo; Quintão, Sónia; McDaid, David; Arensman, Ella; Van Audenhove, Chantal; Coffey, Claire; Värnik, Airi; Värnik, Peeter; Coyne, James; Hegerl, Ulrich (2013-06-19). "Antidepressant Utilization and Suicide in Europe: An Ecological Multi-National Study". PLOS ONE. 8 (6): e66455. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...866455G. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066455. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 3686718. PMID 23840475.
  4. ^ G, Isacsson; Cl, Rich (April 2014). "Antidepressant Drugs and the Risk of Suicide in Children and Adolescents". Paediatric Drugs. 16 (2): 115–22. doi:10.1007/s40272-013-0061-1. PMID 24452997. S2CID 904085.
  5. ^ Shain, Benjamin; Adolescence, Committee On (2016-07-01). "Suicide and Suicide Attempts in Adolescents". Pediatrics. 138 (1): e20161420. doi:10.1542/peds.2016-1420. ISSN 0031-4005. PMID 27354459.
  6. ^ C, Adegbite-Adeniyi; B, Gron; Bm, Rowles; Ca, Demeter; Rl, Findling (October 2012). "An Update on Antidepressant Use and Suicidality in Pediatric Depression". Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 13 (15): 2119–30. doi:10.1517/14656566.2012.726613. PMID 22984934. S2CID 23771296.