
#AppleToo was a movement at Apple Inc. that started in August 2021 during a period of employee unrest centered primarily on the maltreatment of women at the company. Since the early 1990s, Apple has been criticized over a lack of women in leadership. In 2016, employees made anonymous allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault, discrimination, and mismanagement of concerns by human resources at Apple. In 2021 and 2022, women at the company began speaking on the record to the press and on social media. After an employee-run wage survey found a 6-percent gender-based wage gap, employees began sharing personal stories under the hashtag #AppleToo, inspired by the #MeToo movement, which in turn spawned other corporate movements, such as #GeToo at General Electric.

Several legal actions were taken due to Apple's response to the employee activism. On June 13, 2024, a lawsuit seeking class status was filed in California.