
ArchBang Linux 0111
DeveloperStan McLaren
OS familyLinux (Unix-like)
Working stateCurrent
Source modelOpen source
Latest release(Rolling release)
Marketing targetGeneral purpose
Available inEnglish
Update methodPacman
Package managerPacman
Kernel typeMonolithic (Linux)
user interface
LicenseGNU General Public License

ArchBang Linux is a simple lightweight rolling release Linux distribution based on a minimal Arch Linux operating system with the i3 tiling window manager,[1] previously using the Openbox stacking window manager. ArchBang is especially suitable for high performance on old or low-end hardware with limited resources.[2][3][4] ArchBang's aim is to provide a simple out-of-the-box Arch-based Linux distribution with a pre-configured i3 desktop suite, adhering to Arch principles.[5][6]

ArchBang has also been recommended as a fast installation method for people who have experience installing Arch Linux but want to avoid the more demanding default installation of Arch Linux when reinstalling it on another PC.[7]

  1. ^ "November Release i3 Tiling Window Manager Based – ArchBang Live Iso". November 2020. Retrieved November 8, 2020.
  2. ^ Justin Pot. "ArchBang Is Lightweight & Always Up To Date". MakeUseOf. Retrieved June 10, 2011.
  3. ^ Lucian Parfeni. "ArchBang 2011.09 Includes the Linux 3.0.4-1 Kernel". Softpedia. Retrieved July 9, 2011.
  4. ^ Marius Nestor. "ArchBang Linux 2011.11 Is Now Available". Softpedia. Retrieved February 11, 2011.
  5. ^ "The Arch Way".
  6. ^ "Arch Linux Wiki entry for ArchBang". Archived from the original on February 1, 2014. Retrieved November 1, 2011.
  7. ^ ArchBang Brings Arch Linux’s Greatest Features to Your PC Without the Stressful Installation