Architects Registration Board

Architects Registration Board logo

The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is the statutory body for the registration of architects in the United Kingdom. It operates under the Architects Act 1997 as amended, a consolidating Act. It began under the Architects (Registration) Act 1931 (21 & 22 Geo. 5. c. 33) which gave it the name the Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK). It prescribes architectural qualifications, maintains the Register of Architects, issues a code of professional conduct and competence and imposes sanctions if a finding of unacceptable professional conduct or serious professional incompetence is made against an architect. Its main source of income is fees payable under Part II of the Act by persons on their becoming registered or for their retention on the Register. The board is required to pay into the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom any sum paid under a penalty order which its Professional Conduct Committee has made under Part III of the Act (in conduct cases). Fines imposed by a magistrates' court (or similar in Scotland or Northern Ireland) under Part IV of the Act (in misuse of title cases) are not payable to the board.

From January 2019 all board members (five architects and six non-architects) are appointed by the Privy Council.