Architecture of Iceland

The architecture of Iceland draws from Scandinavian influences and traditionally was influenced by the lack of native trees on the island. As a result, grass- and turf-covered houses were developed. Later on, the Swiss chalet style became a prevailing influence in Icelandic architecture as many timber buildings were constructed in this way. Stone and later concrete were popular building materials, the latter especially with the arrival of functionalism in the country. Contemporary architecture in Iceland is influenced by many sources, with styles varying greatly around the country.[1]

The architecture of Iceland is mainly low-rise, with many low tower blocks and two- or three-storey buildings with pitched roofs predominating. Houses and smaller municipal buildings were traditionally wooden-framed, and clad in wooden planks or corrugated metal. Often they were painted in traditional bright colours.[2] Many architectural influences can be seen, notably in the capital, such as the once-popular Swiss chalet style.

  1. ^ Jóhannesson, Dennis; Málfríður Kristjánsdóttir (2000). A Guide to Icelandic Architecture. The Association of Icelandic Architects. pp. 9–15.
  2. ^ "Iceland Architecture". Archived from the original on 8 April 2007. Retrieved 14 May 2007..