Armenian National Delegation

Armenian National Delegation
EstablishedOctober 1912
FoundersGeorges V Soureniants
DissolvedJanuary 1925
TypeDiplomatic mission

The Armenian National Delegation is a diplomatic mission and an Armenian organization whose objective is to advocate for the claims of the Armenians of Western Armenia between 1912 and 1925. The organization was established by Georges V Soureniants and initially led by the businessman and diplomat Boghos Nubar Pasha until 1921.

Similarly to the Armenian delegation at the Congress of Berlin (1878), led by Archbishop Mkrtich Khrimian and sought to advocate for the Armenian cause before the major powers, the Armenian National Delegation aimed to resolve the Armenian question. Consequently, the Armenian National Delegation was involved in the settlement of the Armenian side of the First Balkan War, in the negotiation of the reform project in Ottoman Armenia from 1912 to 1914, and then in the settlement of World War I, particularly during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.

In collaboration with the Delegation of the Republic of Armenia, it participated in the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Sèvres (1920), which recognized Armenia as a free and independent state. However, with the Sovietization of independent Armenia at the end of 1920 and then the victory of the Kemalists during the Turkish War of Independence (1919–1922), the Treaty of Sèvres was revised and replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), which dashed Armenian hopes. The Armenian National Delegation then assumed responsibility for the care of Armenian refugees before disappearing in early 1925.