Armoured vehicle-launched bridge

A Valentine bridgelayer of the 3rd Independent Bridge Building Company, Royal Armoured Corps, spans a damaged bridge near Meiktila, March 1945.

An armoured vehicle-launched bridge (AVLB) [1] is a combat support vehicle, sometimes regarded as a subtype of military engineering vehicle, designed to assist militaries in rapidly deploying tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles across gap-type obstacles, such as rivers. The AVLB is usually a tracked vehicle converted from a tank chassis to carry a folding metal bridge instead of weapons. The AVLB's job is to allow armoured or infantry units to cross craters, anti-tank ditches, blown bridges, railroad cuts, canals, rivers and ravines,[2] when a river too deep for vehicles to wade through is reached, and no bridge is conveniently located, or sufficiently sturdy, a substantial concern when moving 60-ton tanks.

The bridge layer unfolds and launches its cargo, providing a ready-made bridge across the obstacle in only minutes. Once the span has been put in place, the AVLB vehicle detaches from the bridge, and moves aside to allow traffic to pass. Once all of the vehicles have crossed, it crosses the bridge itself and reattaches to the bridge on the other side. It then retracts the span ready to move off again. A similar procedure can be employed to allow crossings of small chasms or similar obstructions.

AVLBs can carry bridges of 19 metres (60 feet) or greater in length. By using a tank chassis, the bridge layer is able to cover the same terrain as main battle tanks. The provision of armour allows them to operate even in the face of enemy fire. However, this is not a universal attribute: some exceptionally sturdy 6×6 or 8×8 truck chassis have lent themselves to bridge-layer applications.

External videos
video icon Video of FV4205 Chieftain Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge (AVLB) showing an AVLB in action and the various steps of laying the bridge
  1. ^ "Fatigue Life Prediction for Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge for MLC70 and MLC80 Loads". RDECOM. Archived from the original on 1 August 2013. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
  2. ^ "Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge (AVLB)". Olive-Drab. Retrieved 6 May 2013.