Aromanian literature

Cover of Poezii ("Poems"), a collection of poems by the Aromanian poet Nuși Tulliu, published in 1926

Aromanian literature (Aromanian: Literatura armãneascã) is literature written in the Aromanian language. The first authors to write in Aromanian appeared during the second half of the 18th century in the metropolis of Moscopole (Theodore Kavalliotis, Daniel Moscopolites and Constantin Ucuta), with a true cultured literature in Aromanian being born in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Notable authors include Constantin Belimace, author of the well-known anthem of the Aromanians Dimãndarea pãrinteascã ("The Will of the Forefathers"); Nuși Tulliu, whose novel Mirmintsã fãrã crutsi ("Graves Without Crosses") was the first in Aromanian; and Leon Boga, whose 150-sonnets epic poem Voshopolea ("Moscopole") founded the Aromanian literary trend of the utopian Moscopole. In theatre, Toma Enache has excelled.