Arrott plot

Arrott plot for a simple mean field ferromagnetic phase transition. Here, as in the Arrott's paper,[1] the relationship is demonstrated as versus , but Arrott plots are usually rearranged to versus . The value of denotes whether the temperature is above, below, or at the Curie temperature (see text).

In condensed matter physics, an Arrott plot is a plot of the square of the magnetization of a substance, against the ratio of the applied magnetic field to magnetization at one (or several) fixed temperature(s). Arrott plots are an easy way of determining the presence of ferromagnetic order in a material.[2][3] They are named after American physicist Anthony Arrott who introduced them as a technique for studying magnetism in 1957.[1]

  1. ^ a b Arrott, A. (1957). "Criterion for Ferromagnetism from Observations of Magnetic Isotherms". Physical Review. 108 (6): 1394–1396. Bibcode:1957PhRv..108.1394A. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.108.1394.
  2. ^ Yeung, I.; Roshko, R.; Williams, G. (1986). "Arrott-plot criterion for ferromagnetism in disordered systems". Physical Review B. 34 (5): 3456–3457. Bibcode:1986PhRvB..34.3456Y. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.34.3456. PMID 9940088.
  3. ^ du Trémolet de Lacheisserie, E., ed. (2005). Magnetism. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-22967-6.