Arslan Giray

Arslan Giray (1692–1768) was Khan of the Crimean Khanate from 1748 to 1756 and again in 1767. He was the second son of Devlet II Giray. Arslan's own son, Devlet IV Giray, acceded to the khanship in 1769, and his grandson was the historian Halim Giray. Two of Arslan's brothers were also khans: Fetih II Giray (1736) and Qırım Giray (1758). He was said to be noble, brave, and respected by his subjects. His name means "lion".

In 1735–1736 Arslan was nureddin under his uncle Qaplan I Giray at the time of the first Russian invasion. In 1736–1737 he was kalga under his brother Fetih II Giray at the time of the second Russian invasion. The next khans were Meñli II Giray (1737), Selâmet II Giray (1740), and Selim II Giray (1743).