Asiatic Registration Act

The Asiatic Registration Act of 1906, of the Transvaal Colony, was an extension of the pass laws specifically aimed at Asians (Indians and Chinese). Under the act every male Asian had to register himself and produce on demand a thumb-printed certificate of identity. Unregistered people and prohibited immigrants could be deported without a right of appeal or fined on the spot if they failed to comply with the Act. The Act was repealed by the British government shortly after enactment (after some lobbying by a delegation led by Mahatma Gandhi), but it was re-enacted again in 1908.

Under the act, every Asian man, woman or child of eight years or upwards, entitled to reside in the Transvaal, was required to register their names with the Registrar of Asiatics and take out a certificate of registration. The applicants for registration had to surrender their old permits to the registrar, and state in their applications their name, residence, caste, age, etc. The registrar was to note down important marks of identification upon the applicant's person and take his finger and thumb impressions.

Parents were required to apply on behalf of their minor children and bring them to the registrar in order to give their finger impressions, etc. In case of parents failing to discharge this responsibility laid upon them, the minor on attaining the age of sixteen years was required to discharge it himself, and if he defaulted, he made himself liable to the same punishments as could be awarded to his parents.