Assembly of the Year XIII

Assembly of Year XIII

Asamblea del Año XIII
United Provinces of the Río de la Plata
Coat of arms or logo
Meeting of the Assembly.
Succeeded byCongress of Tucumán
Seal of the Assembly
Territories represented at the Assembly

The Assembly of Year XIII (Spanish: Asamblea del Año XIII) was a meeting called by the Second Triumvirate governing the young republic of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata (modern-day Argentina, Uruguay, parts of Brazil and Bolivia) on October 1812.

One of the objectives of the assembly was to define an institutional government system for the republic. Without the presence of representatives from some of the provinces (such as the Oriental Province), it was inaugurated on January 31, 1813 (hence the name). At the same time, it was to proclaim independence from Spain, and write the first constitution of the young state.