Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi

Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi
Sanmarinese Catholic Guide and Scout Association
CountrySan Marino
AffiliationWorld Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, World Organization of the Scout Movement
 Scouting portal

The Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi (Sanmarinese Catholic Guide and Scout Association, AGECS) is a Catholic Scouting and Guiding association in San Marino, with 300 members.[1] Scouting and Guiding in San Marino started within the respective Italian organisations, the Associazione Scouts Cattolici Italiani (ASCI) and the Associazione Guide Italiane (AGI), which were merged into the Associazione Guide e Scouts Cattolici Italiani (AGESCI) in 1974. The AGECS splintered from the AGESCI and became independent in 1992.[1] However, the two associations have a pact of cooperation.[2] The AGECS became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1990 and an associate member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1992.[1]

AGECS' Scout emblem incorporates the color scheme of the flag of San Marino.

  1. ^ a b c "Lo scautismo a San Marino".
  2. ^ "Firmato il protocollo d'accordo tra AGESCI e AGECS". March 22, 2016.