Athenians Project

Athenians Project is a multi-year, ongoing project of compiling, computerizing and studying data about the persons of ancient Athens. By applying modern technology to ancient data, over a 100,000 entries have been digitized and maintained in an Empress Embedded Database for over 30 years. The project is headed by Professor John S. Traill of the University of Toronto in the Classics Department.[1]

The Athenians Project began back in the 1970s to preserve and make searchable the age-faded, handwritten card-files of Dr. Benjamin Dean Meritt. Meritt had written information about the persons of ancient Athens and accumulated the card files over the preceding 40 years. This included data collected by Johannes Kirchner who also lent his work to the field of epigraphy and prosopography of ancient Athens in his book Prosopographia Attica. Published back in 1901, Kirchner's Prosopographia Attica had 15,588 entries, was limited to the pre-Augustan period, and contained only registered Athenian citizens.[2]

Athenians Project data is available in two main parts. The first is a set of hardbound printed volumes titled "Persons of Ancient Athens" of more than 100,000 entries and typeset in ancient Greek. The second is a relational database of Athenians data which is used to search data using a computer in a variety of ways for further study. The Athenians prosopography Project includes Athenian citizens at home and abroad, slaves, resident aliens, and foreigners honored at Athens—all the known men and women of Athens from the beginning of alphabetic writing to the Byzantine period.[2]

Part of the data is made available to anyone via the Website Attica. Website Attica is designed to be complementary to the published volumes of "Persons of Ancient Athens" (PAA).[3] There are currently 21 published volumes of PAA and at least one more was scheduled to be published within the next two years.[2] The Athenians Project is Toronto's designedly complete database of all "Persons of Ancient Athens".[4]

Searches in the Website Attica may be made on about 10,000 names, all within half of volume four, the entirety of volume five, and the first third of volume six of "Persons of Ancient Athens", i.e. names beginning with the letters beta through delta. The possible searches range from selecting every person in a particular Deme or of a specified profession to more sophisticated searches, e.g. to find all Athenians who lived between specified years and/or are related to a certain person and/or are attested in a class of document, etc.[5]

  1. ^ Traill, John. “Classics: Athenians Research Project” Archived 2011-07-06 at the Wayback Machine, "Classics: Athenians Research Project" Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto, Volume 10, May 2003, retrieved November 3, 2010
  2. ^ a b c Traill, John. “A Prosopography of Ancient Athens”, "A Prosopography of Ancient Athens", retrieved October 18, 2010
  3. ^ Jones, Charles Ellwood. “AWOL: The Ancient World Online”, "Ancient World Online - ISSN 2156-2253", March 13, 2010, retrieved October 18, 2010
  4. ^ Cargill, Jack. "Athenian Settlements of the Fourth Century B.C.", (1995), pp IX
  5. ^ Traill, John. “Website Attica”, Website Attica, retrieved October 9, 2010