Audiovisual archive

Video tape Archive

In archives, the term "audiovisual" is frequently used generically to denote materials other than written documents.[1] Films, videos, audio recordings, pictures, and other audio and visual media are collected in audiovisual archives.[2] A vast amount of knowledge is included in audiovisual records, which are considered cultural treasures and must be preserved for future use. Print materials would not have the same reach across various audiences as audiovisual resources.[3]

  1. ^ "SAA Dictionary: audiovisual". Retrieved 2023-10-27.
  2. ^ Edmondson, Ray (2016). Audiovisual archiving: philosophy and principles (3rd ed.). UNESCO Bangkok Office. ISBN 978-92-9223-536-9.
  3. ^ Lukileni-Iipinge, Hertha; Mnjama, Nathan (2018). "Preservation of Audio-Visual Records at the National Archives of Namibia". Journal of the South African Society of Archivists. 50: 70–99.