August 2008 lunar eclipse

Partial lunar eclipse
2008/8/16 [1]
Saros (member) 138 (29)
Recent <S <T < > T> S>

Cape Town, South Africa

The Moon passes right to left through the Earth's northern shadow
Gamma[1] 0.5647
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Partial 3:08:08
Penumbral 5:30:31
P1 18:24:50 UTC
U1 19:36:05 UTC
Greatest 21:10:06 UTC
U4 22:44:13 UTC
P4 23:55:21 UTC

At ascending node in Capricornus

A partial lunar eclipse took place on 16 August 2008, the second of two lunar eclipses in 2008, with the first being a total eclipse on 20 February 2008. The next lunar eclipse was a penumbral eclipse occurring on 9 February 2009, while the next total lunar eclipse occurred on 21 December 2010.

The Moon's apparent diameter was 26.2 arcseconds smaller than the 21 February 2008 total lunar eclipse.

  1. ^ Gamma is the minimum distance of the Moon's shadow axis from Earth's centre in Earth radii at greatest eclipse.