August 2009 lunar eclipse

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
6 August 2009

This subtle penumbral eclipse covered the southern part of the Moon as shown in this animation by John Walker, viewed from Lignières, Switzerland.

The Moon grazed the Earth's southern penumbral shadow.
Series (and member) 148 (3 of 71)
Gamma 1.3572
Magnitude 0.4019
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Penumbral 3:09:47
Contacts (UTC)
P1 23:04:21 (Aug 5)
Greatest 0:39:11
P4 2:14:08

The Moon's hourly motion west to east through the constellation of Capricornus and the northern edge of the Earth's penumbral shadow

A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on 6 August 2009, the third of four lunar eclipses in 2009. The Moon's small entry into the Earth's penumbral shadow produced an extremely subtle dimming of the Moon's southern edge, difficult to observe visually.