Aurora Leigh

Aurora Leigh's Dismissal of Romney ("The Tryst") by Arthur Hughes (circa 1860)

Aurora Leigh is an 1856 verse novel by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The poem is written in blank verse and encompasses nine books (the woman's number, the number of the Sibylline Books). It is a first-person narration, from the point of view of Aurora; its other heroine, Marian Erle, is an abused self-taught child of itinerant parents. The poem is set in Florence, Malvern, London and Paris. The work references Biblical and classical history and mythology, as well as modern novels, such as Corinne ou l'Italie by Anne Louise Germaine de Staël and the novels of George Sand. In Books 1–5, Aurora narrates her past, from her childhood to the age of about 27; in Books 6–9, the narrative has caught up with her, and she reports events in diary form. The author styled the poem "a novel in verse", and referred to it as "the most mature of my works, and the one into which my highest convictions upon Life and Art have entered". The scholar Deirdre David asserts that Barrett Browning's work in Aurora Leigh renders her "a major figure in any consideration of the nineteenth-century woman writer and of Victorian poetry in general".[1] John Ruskin called it the greatest long poem of the nineteenth century.[2]

  1. ^ David, Deirdre (Winter 1993). "Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning". Victorian Poetry. 31 (4): 435–8.
  2. ^ Bové, Paul A. Early Postmodernism: Foundational Essay. Durham, NC: Duke University, 1995, p. 164.