Australian Marriage Equality

Australian Marriage Equality (AME) was an advocacy group driven by volunteers who came together to pursue the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia. AME partnered with a diverse range of organisations and supporters across the country to end the exclusion of same-sex LGBTIQ couples from marriage in Australia.[1] It was the pre-eminent group campaigning for same-sex marriage in Australia.[2]

AME was founded in 2004 prior to the Federal Parliament's passage of a bill amending the Marriage Act 1961 to rule out the legal recognition of marriages between same-sex couples.

There was a postal poll on the issue of same-sex marriage from September to November 2017. Australian Marriage Equality, with Senator Janet Rice, lodged a High Court Challenge to the constitutional validity of this postal survey, which was heard in September. The High Court ruled the survey could proceed despite Australian Marriage Equality's challenge.

  1. ^ "Australian Marriage Equality - About Us". Australian Marriage Equality. Archived from the original on 19 August 2016. Retrieved 8 August 2016.
  2. ^ Delaney, Brigid (30 November 2015). "How The Campaign For Marriage Equality Learned The Hard Way - About Us". The Guardian. The Guardian Australia.