Awrtable Ughazate

Awrtable Ughazate
Boqortooyada Yuusuf Darood
Ugaasyada Awrtable
إماراة  الأورتبلي[1]
Somali and Arabic[1]
Related ethnic groups
Majeerteen, Leelkase, Dhulbahante, Warsangeli, Ogaadeen, and other Darod groups.[1]

The Awrtable Ughazate or the Yusuf Darood Emirate (Somali: Ugaasyada Awrtable or Boqortooyada Yuusuf Daarood) (Arabic: إماراة  الأورتبلي) was an Ughazate that ruled the Bari-Nugaaleed, northern Mudug and southern Bari regions from mid-1300s to the early 1700s, and was fully incorporated into the court of the Majeerteen Sultanate in 1765.[1]

  1. ^ a b c d "L'Italia in Africa: serie storica. La politica coloniale dell'Italia negli atti, decumenti e discussioni parlamentari; testo di Giacomo Perticone, e note redanionali di richiam agli atti parlamentari a cura di Guglielmo Guglielmi". Politica Coloniale dell'Italia: 246–247.