B'nai B'rith Europe

B'nai B'rith in Europe, a regional division of B'nai B'rith, an international Jewish social service organization. The first B'nai B'rith lodge ever established outside of the United States was in Berlin in 1882.[1] A central entity known as B'nai B'rith was established in 1999.[2] Activities of the central B'nai B'rith Europe include co-organizing the European Day of Jewish Culture.[3] The event was originally a 1996 initiative known as European Jewish Heritage Day and was launched by B'nai B'rith Europe in France .[4]

  1. ^ Rockaway, Robert. (2017). The B'nai B'rith encounters Nazi Germany, 1933. American Jewish History, 101(2), 245-263.
  2. ^ Yildiz, U. B. (2014). The Influence of the European Friends of Israel on the Members of the European Parliament. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 13(4), 1-14.
  3. ^ Russo, A. P., & Romagosa, F. (2010). The network of Spanish Jewries: in praise of connecting and sharing heritage. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 5(2), 141-156.
  4. ^ Kadish, S. (2001). The Jewish Built Heritage in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Report on a Survey, 1997–2000. European Judaism, 34(2), 14-29.