Badge of Honor

The Badge of Honor novel series is a series of novels written by W.E.B. Griffin about the Philadelphia Police Department. Although the books were originally set in the 1970s and early 1980s, and the characters have only aged a few years (Matt Payne is still only 27), Book VIII, Final Justice, moves the story to the post-9/11 era.

  • The books are:
    • Book I, Men in Blue (MB)
    • Book II, Special Operations (SO)
    • Book III, The Victim (V)
    • Book IV, The Witness (W)
    • Book V, The Assassin (A)
    • Book VI, The Murderers (M)
    • Book VII, The Investigators (I)
    • Book VIII, Final Justice (FJ)
    • Book IX, The Traffickers
    • Book X, The Vigilantes
    • Book XI, The Last Witness
    • Book XII, Deadly Assets
    • Book XIII, Broken Trust