"Badgers", also known informally as "Badger Badger Badger" or "The Badger Song", is an animated meme by British animator Jonti Picking, also known as Mr Weebl. It consists of 12 animated cartoon badgers doing callisthenics, a mushroom in front of a tree, and a snake in the desert. The cartoon is accompanied by a bass line, above which a voiceover sings the names of what is shown on screen.[1]
The cartoon went live on B3ta.com on 2 September 2003 at 3:49 a.m. GMT.[2] The cartoon loops indefinitely.
According to Mr Weebl, the inspiration behind "The Badger Song" comes from the song Saturday Night by Whigfield:[2] "[Saturday Night] has a duck quacking throughout. I decided that the tune needed an annoying squeak sound in the background. The lyrics were meant to be a placeholder, but much like The Riddle by Nik Kershaw, the placeholder became the actual thing."