Baltic Entente

The participants of the Baltic Entente in Europe

The Baltic Entente was based on Treaty of Good-Understanding and Co-operation[1] signed between Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia on 12 September 1934 in Geneva. The main objective of the agreement was joint action in foreign policy. It also included commitments to support one another politically and to give diplomatic support in international communication. The endeavour was ultimately unsuccessful, as the combined strength of the three nations and their statements of neutrality were insubstantial in the face of the massive armies of Poland, Germany and the Soviet Union.

The plans for division of control of European lands located between the two powers laid out in the August 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact assigned the Baltic countries into Soviet "sphere of influence". In June 1940 all three countries were invaded and occupied by the Stalinist Soviet Union, and formally annexed into the USSR in August 1940.

  1. ^ Text of the treaty of Good Understanding and Co-operation. LNTSer 227; "Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania: Treaty of Understanding and Collaboration". The American Journal of International Law. 4 supplement (30): 174–177. 1936.