Bank Notes Tax Act 1910

Bank Notes Tax Act 1910
Parliament of Australia
  • An Act to impose a Tax upon Bank Notes.
CitationNo. 14 of 1910
Royal assent10 October 1910
Repealed21 August 1945
Repealed by
Commonwealth Bank Act 1945
Status: Repealed

The Bank Notes Tax Act 1910 (Cth) was an Act of the Parliament of Australia which imposed a prohibitive tax on banknotes issued by banks in Australia.[1][2] The Act was enacted in October 1910 by the Fisher Labour Government under Section 51 (xii) of the Constitution of Australia that gives the Commonwealth Parliament the power to legislate with respect to “currency, coinage, and legal tender” and the taxing power.

  1. ^ "Bank Notes Tax Act 1910". Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved 14 November 2014.
  2. ^ "THE AUSTRALIAN NOTE ISSUE". Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved 14 November 2014.